Thursday, 3 March 2011

Creative Baking...

I have always enjoyed baking.  Something about the process of mixing different ingredients together and being able to produce something that not only looked good but you could actually eat it as well has always fascinated me and also, if I am honest, the cries of 'I can't believe you made that!' is enough to put a smile on anyone's face!

I have made ordinary cakes (victoria sponges, madeira cakes etc) for many years but I had always fancied giving and actual 'themed' cake a go.  My Mother-In-Law acquired a cake decorating book for me and I decided to give it ago!

My first attempt was a train (even though it looks more like a truck!).  I decided to give it to my friend whose 35th Birthday coincided with my experimenting.  It was certainly a learning curve!

The cake was well received (my friends are always grateful for cake and its amazing how popular you become when you can bake!!), so I decided I would practice some more as I had really enjoyed making it and knew I could improve with time so I decided to use my friends children's birthdays as the perfect opportunity to put my decorating skills to the test.

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